Developing an understanding of patterns, relations, and functions is foundational for students to have success with secondary mathematics. Beginning and young mathematicians should have had many prior experiences being a “pattern sniffer” (Cuoco, et al, 1996). If not, those missed opportunities must be provided for students to allow them to build the foundation needed to move into the rigorous study of functions.
Modular Mathematics is an alternative for students and teachers who would like something different or something additional to support the building of function fluency in secondary mathematicians. This is not your usual collection of notes, thoughts, writing assignments or activities.
Getting Started with Modular Math: Functions
Level 1: Introduction
Level 2: Graphs
Level 3: Verbal Descriptions; Linear Functions
Level 4: One-to-One Functions; Onto Functions
Level 5: Composition of Functions
Level 6: Quadratics
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